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Explore the agenda of hope
& the European political parties responses

Welcome to EurHope, the first EU-wide, multilingual voting support tool. Based on the statistically representative priorities of young Europeans, you now can explore the responses by European political parties and civil society. You find them grouped along the seven dimensions and 15 consensual ideas of the Agenda of Hope, established by 1,5 Mio+ votes and 5000+ proposals.

Democracy & EU institutions
Democracy & EU institutions
Climate change & environment
Climate change & environment
Economy, social justice & employment
Economy, social justice & employment
EU in the world
EU in the world
Health & education
Health & education
Human rights & migration
Human rights & migration
Research & innovation
Research & innovation

About EurHope

Welcome to EurHope, the first EU-wide, multilingual voting support tool. Based on the priorities of young Europeans in the 27 EU member states, you now can explore the Agenda of Hope. You find it along the 7 dimensions and 15 consensual ideas of the, established by 1,5 Mio+ votes and 5000+ proposals.

About EurHope
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