Democracy & EU institutions
Strengthening the efficiency of European justice systems
Proposals by young citizens
Find a selection of the proposals made by young Europeans
To guarantee safe societies free of crime, the EU needs to build structures for prevention, investigation and prosecution of crimes.
In light of our fundamental values, these structures must be based on rule of law, be independent and provide efficient processes guaranteeing rights and freedoms of all parties.
As crimes do not respect national borders, we need mandatory cooperation between Member States and EU agencies.
Find the extended version here.
Responsesby European political parties
All European political parties that are represented with ten or more members in the European Parliament (in February 2024) were invited to provide their responses.
Judicial systems are an essential power of the state and a public service that must guarantee equality among citizens. Judicial services, like other public services, need to be publicly resourced. In times of lawfare we must take care of judicial independence. More about this party, their programme & national members
Cross-border and organised crime has increased, and some governments are more and more ignoring the supremacy of EU law and EU court rulings. We are committed to tackle crime, slash corruption and address rule of law breaches regardless of the perpetrators, whether governments or individuals, while advocating for targeted sanctions to avoid punishing innocent citizens and businesses. Make it conditional to receive EU funding to cooperate with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) More about this party, their programme & national members
Fair and independent justice systems are the foundation of the EU and essential to protect citizens against all crime. That is why we want clear rules and sanctions, using all available instruments to ensure that no EU funds reach governments that are not willing to respect the rule of law. We must strengthen the EU’s police and judicial cooperation through a stronger Europol, to better fight cross-border crime. We insist on the creation of an independent EU Child Centre to combat child abuse. More about this party, their programme & national members
Justice is one of the founding principles of the EU. As Greens, we stand for judicial independence, we stand firmly for a democratic separation of powers and against any violations of the rule of law in the member states, and we are fighting for equal access to justice for everyone, especially also marginalized communities. Overall, the European Greens stand for enhanced cooperation and coordination across the EU to better fight e.g. organized crime. More about this party, their programme & national members
Making European justice systems more effective is essential. It builds confidence in the EU's laws and institutions and ultimately contributes to the Union's ability to effectively address cross-border challenges and uphold the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. More precisely, we must also eradicate gender-based violence and children violence, which remains a major problem in Europe. More about this party, their programme & national members
We support cooperation and information-sharing among police forces. In general we do not support centralised police forces, as we believe they need to be closely tied to their local communities. But they should be required to build Europe-wide networks. We need more common standards in European justice systems regarding certain types of crime: in particular, we want gender violence to be recognised as a Eurocrime so that all member states have common definitions and provide support to victims. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
The answers by political actors are automatically translated and may contain mistakes.You can find the original, English version here.
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About EurHope
EurHope has the goal to activate young Europeans ahead of the European elections. At the core stands the Agenda of Hope, which was established on the basis of a participatory engagement campaign in 2023.
EurHope is co-lead by JEF Europe & and supported by more than 50 organisations from all over Europe (including European institutions).