Democracy & EU institutions
Increasing citizen participation and their understanding of the EU
Proposals by young citizens
Find a selection of the proposals made by young Europeans
While noticeable advances have been seen when it comes to citizen involvement in EU decision-making during the past decades, there is a need to deepen the democratic reform of the EU.
Thus, it is necessary to take measures such as the reform of the European Citizens Initiative mechanism and institutionalisation of the EU Citizens Panels, the strengthening of the ‘Spitzenkandidat’ system, the implementation of transnational lists to the EP or the call for a European Convention for Treaty reform.
Find the extended version here.
Responsesby European political parties
All European political parties that are represented with ten or more members in the European Parliament (in February 2024) were invited to provide their responses.
We want to make voting in EU elections more accessible & increase participation. Online voting should be piloted in 2029. We advocate for transnational lists for the EP alongside national lists, creating an EU-wide constituency. To make policy-making more inclusive, we want to introduce citizens’ panels & strengthen the framework for petitions & the European Citizens Initiative to open more channels to influence for citizens & oblige the institutions to respond with legislative proposals. More about this party, their programme & national members
EFA strongly supports all efforts to make the EU more democratic and closer to its citizens. We want a reform for the ECI, so that the Commission cannot ignore it like it did for the Minority Safepack. We want legislative initiative for the Parliament. We want a better way of electing the Commission President. We want the Committee of the Regions to have a real role. We support the use of citizens’ assemblies. Democracy should be constant and ongoing, not just an election every 5 years.
MoreCitizen participation is a basic pillar of democracies. Participation systems need to be strengthened at different political levels, from municipalities to cities to European institutions. That is why we defend measures such as participatory budgets and other similar measures. More about this party, their programme & national members
Hundreds of citizens took part in the Conference on the Future of Europe, fully supported by PES. It shows that citizens want to be more involved in EU decision-making. To keep citizens more involved, the European Parliament should have the right to initiate legislation, and we must recognize the value of trade unions and civil society and promote their engagement across all institutions. They are vital in voicing citizens’ concerns to decision-makers, and in communicating the EU to citizens. More about this party, their programme & national members
It is time to develop functional mechanisms to earn citizens’ trust and allow for a meaningful involvement. Only through stronger EU institutions and vital channels of communication such as open consultations the citizens’ concerns and aspirations will be adequately represented in the decision-making processes. ALDE Party advocates for transnational voting lists, streamlined EU processes, and Commission reform. More about this party, their programme & national members
Direct involvement in the political life of the Union is essential if we want to bring Europe and its institutions closer to citizens. Waiting for the EU elections every 5 years is no longer enough to encourage real citizen participation. We propose introducing a Citizens' Agora mechanism. By offering citizens this platform to actively express themselves, we will boost direct participation in EU integration and strengthen the sense of belonging and commitment of all citizens to EU politics. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members
The answers by political actors are automatically translated and may contain mistakes.You can find the original, English version here.
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About EurHope
EurHope has the goal to activate young Europeans ahead of the European elections. At the core stands the Agenda of Hope, which was established on the basis of a participatory engagement campaign in 2023.
EurHope is co-lead by JEF Europe & and supported by more than 50 organisations from all over Europe (including European institutions).