Economy, social justice & employment

Encouraging “Made in Europe”

Proposals by young citizens

Find a selection of the proposals made by young Europeans

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    Romain, 33

    We must encourage "made in Europe" and give priority to European skills and solutions whenever possible.

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    We need to relaunch our industries and pool our resources so that we are no longer dependent on the Asian, American or Russian blocs.

    accord icon85% approval
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    We need to pool our strenghts and ideas to ensure our industrial independence (energy, batteries, medicines,...).

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    Alberto, 19

    We should protect the primary sector of Europe (agriculture, fishing...) and facilitate the life of those workers, to ensure local food.

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    Irene, 33

    It is necessary to promote and encourage among the population the consumption of European and national products as opposed to international imports.

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    It is necessary to recover European industrial and production independence, and to combat the flight of the former to China and the United States.

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‘Made in Europe’ must move beyond a slogan.
In an age of heightened international economic competition, the EU needs to make efforts to keep up with large-scale digitalisation, changes in trade rules, while working towards sustainability and circularity.
To do so and relocate vital industrial activities and promote quality jobs, industrial autonomy and resilience must be fostered through deeper fiscal, monetary, and social policy integration with equal focus on wellbeing and competitiveness.
Find the extended version here.

Responsesby European political parties

All European political parties that are represented with ten or more members in the European Parliament (in February 2024) were invited to provide their responses.


We back 'Made in Europe', prioritising innovation and enticing industry investments to the EU. Our aim: produce in Europe allows us to protect companies, consumers, the planet and guarantee European sovereignty. Emphasising resilience, sustainability, and reciprocity in public procurement underpins the Net Zero Industry Act. More about this party, their programme & national members


We defend the circular and local economy, therefore it is logical to defend local production in EU countries.More about this party, their programme & national members


We want a Made in Europe 2030 strategy to reduce dependency, increase production capacities and level industry’s playing field. It must build on access to clean, affordable energy (through investments in renewables), faster procedures to build factories, investments scaling up strategic sectors (e.g. batteries, pharma), strict social conditionality: reindustrialisation must mean quality jobs, higher wages, and training. We must ensure imports respect environmental, social and labour standards. More about this party, their programme & national members


Europe should recognise that we are a world leader in many sectors, and we have the most highly educated and high-skills workforce in the world. Europe’s industrial strategy must protect those sectors and make strategic investments in future-oriented areas, to keep our competitive edge against other world powers. In particular, we need to protect Europe’s farmers from unfair foreign competition and promote local supply chains. More about this party, their programme & national members


The Single Market is our industrial strategy and path to open strategic autonomy. To increase industrial production in Europe, we need public support but we mostly need to unleash the power of the private sector through an increase in economic integration and a removal of all internal barriers, notably in services, banking and investment as well as digital (data) and energy. This will enhance competitiveness and job creation. More about this party, their programme & national members


We propose a major investment plan to fund green industries and infrastructure across the EU. The green transition is not abstract; it means new rail lines, new factories, new opportunities everyone. Solving the climate crisis will create millions of jobs in sectors from renewables and construction to industry and transport. The “shovel ready” projects that we would kickstart tomorrow represent 2 million jobs in the short and medium term and our long-term transition up to 10 million. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members

The answers by political actors are automatically translated and may contain mistakes.You can find the original, English version here.

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About EurHope

EurHope has the goal to activate young Europeans ahead of the European elections. At the core stands the Agenda of Hope, which was established on the basis of a participatory engagement campaign in 2023.

EurHope is co-lead by JEF Europe & and supported by more than 50 organisations from all over Europe (including European institutions).

About EurHope