Human rights & migration

Creating a more efficient European legal framework for immigration

Proposals by young citizens

Find a selection of the proposals made by young Europeans

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    Noel, 34

    We should stop illegal immigration

    accord icon72% approval
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    Jan, 17

    We should send criminal migrants back to their home countries if they don't behave by law

    accord icon72% approval
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    Noel, 34

    We should stop illegal immigration

    accord icon72% approval
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    Simona, 24

    The efficiency of deporting illegals should be increased

    accord icon74% approval
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    Francisco, 18

    There is a need to control illegal immigration more strictly and ensure that immigratnts are well integrated into our societies.

    accord icon80% approval
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    Simona, 24

    Refugees and immigrants who perform FGM or force marriage on underage children should be expelled from Europe.

    accord icon85% approval
Position by JEF Europe & Voicify - The European Forum for Youth with Lived Migration Experience.

The EU needs a common policy on migration, asylum, and protection, which respect EU values, human rights, and rely on responsibility and solidarity.
We need harmonisation, fairness and less bureaucracy in migration.
The EU must safeguard safe routes and realistic procedures to combat smugglers and traffickers and restore trust in a humane migration policy.
Frontex must respect international law and EU values, while youth organisations and young immigrants must be involved in the policy-making.
Find the extended version here.

Responsesby European political parties

All European political parties that are represented with ten or more members in the European Parliament (in February 2024) were invited to provide their responses.


Migration policies that are dysfunctional, unsustainable & inhumane are being normalised. We Greens stand for the EU founding principles & demand a fair asylum system as well as legal, safe & accessible ways for migration as a necessary precondition for ending human trafficking & exploitation. We want to develop a new, comprehensive Migration Code, providing for visa opportunities for family reunification & work at different skills levels, addressing labour shortages across the EU. More about this party, their programme & national members


We call for a common approach to asylum and migration policy, prioritising border security while investing in local economies. This includes 'European quotas' for economic migration and the dismantling criminal networks. Human rights and integration are paramount; with a special focus on unaccompanied minors and young migrants, supporting their transition into society and the labour market. By managing the dynamics of migration, we aim to build a secure, diverse and inclusive Europe. More about this party, their programme & national members


Migration policies must be based on respect for human rights and the right to asylum and refuge. But it is essential to act in the countries of origin of migration, not by reinforcing borders but by investing to improve living conditions. More about this party, their programme & national members


Reform the Common European Asylum System, to stop the cynical and inhuman business model of smugglers, improve reception standards, share responsibility, and make asylum procedures human rights-based and more efficient. Prioritise integration, support policies such as the provision of basic skills, applying zero-tolerance for discrimination, promoting intercultural dialogue and language learning. Legal pathways for labour migration, by implementing an EU talent pool. More about this party, their programme & national members


We want a progressive implementation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum. It provides a permanent and binding solidarity mechanism, faster protection for those in need, safeguards for the most vulnerable, clear rules for reception centres, fundamental rights at the borders, effective return procedures, supporting other countries, preventing irregular migration and fighting human traffickers, legal avenues for protection and labour market opportunities, and inclusion in local communities. More about this party, their programme & national members


Asylum is a universal human right; and European states have a legal obligation to respect it. Europe must remain a welcoming continent for those fleeing violence or persecution, so long as they respect our values. We need to ensure that our asylum policy is humane and respects human rights. That can be done by setting up more safe and legal channels to discourage people from making dangerous journeys. We should not be making deals with third countries that do not respect human rights. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members


This European political party did not provide a response. More about this party, their programme & national members

The answers by political actors are automatically translated and may contain mistakes.You can find the original, English version here.

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About EurHope

EurHope has the goal to activate young Europeans ahead of the European elections. At the core stands the Agenda of Hope, which was established on the basis of a participatory engagement campaign in 2023.

EurHope is co-lead by JEF Europe & and supported by more than 50 organisations from all over Europe (including European institutions).

About EurHope